AboutOur member-directed organization works every day to resolve issues ranging from fair reimbursement to patient safety and public health. Founded in 1947, ASMA is a formidable voice on legislative and regulatory matters that affect physicians and physician assistants, their patients and their practices. ASMA’s MissionThe Alaska State Medical Association advocates on behalf of physicians and for the health and well-being of all Alaskans. The association strives to advance medical science, to extend medical knowledge, to elevate the standards of medical education and to foster the enactment and enforcement of appropriate medical laws; to promote friendly interchange among physicians; to foster and guard the legitimate interests of members of the medical profession and to protect them against imposition; and to enlighten and direct public opinion with regard to the problems of medicine, so that the profession shall become more capable and honorable within itself and more useful to the public in the prevention and treatment of disease. Click Here to View ASMA's Position on Popular IssuesASMA Staff
Contact Us:Mailing address: 4107 Laurel St, Anchorage, AK 99508Phone: 907-562-0304Email: [email protected] |